Monday, January 15, 2007

You Can't Buy This Kind of Publicity

I've been working with a reporter from the Raleigh News & Observer for the last month, helping her with content for her article which finally came out Saturday...

You never know how you'll come across in the media. Back in August I was quoted for an article in Carolina Parent (the story isn't online) and I evidently used the word "stuff" way too much. Or at least I was quoted that way.

This new article is huge, the first whole page of the Home & Garden section plus another whole page, and has giant before and after pictures (I organized three spaces for them).

I'm very pleased with the way it came out. Though, who knows if I'll get any leads from it. I was in the N&O a year ago and didn't get a single hit from it.

Read the article here.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love the article, and your picture is lovely!
Thanks so much for the link to your blog...
I'm adding you to my BLoglines feed!